Monday, September 28, 2009

America's Dumbest Criminal-My Take

So last week or so, my wife notices she has charges to her account ( we've always had them seperate, just more convenient that way) that she never made.

Contacts the bank gets some of it straightened out.Some of it had to wait to clear before it could be disputed or whateva. Was thankfully only about 4 charges, and the two largest were rectified immediately. Cancelled the card even though she never lost it, etc.

Still have no idea how the person got her info.

This morning we get a package for one of the orders. A USC T-shirt. I looked at the package, it was our address. But a different name. The idea hit me, "Hey, maybe this is the dude that is trying to steal wifeypoo's money." sure enough the amount on the receipt is the same as one of the charges that didn't get taken care of yet.

So now we have a name, phone number and e-mail address. Police report is filed.

Kinda wanna make a "DUNCE" cap for the guy and have the cops stick it on his head and take a picture for us. He could even keep the hat so the other inmates know he is really stupid.

Whose cream corn is it now, motherfucker?

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